When designing and manufacturing structures made of metal and other materials, it is very important to observe and perform physical and mechanical strength calculations, one of which is the calculation of beams for bending (deflection). Calculating beam deflection online is very convenient and fast. Therefore, the specialists of our company have prepared an online calculator for calculations.
Beam deflection calculator online
Fixation method
Fixation scheme
Select profileCalculation results
Profile cross-sectional area:
Calculated profile weight (beams):
beam deflection F
When selecting a distributed load circuit, the applied "Load Q" is indicated as a relative "kilogram per meter". It is determined by the formula Q = [total load, kg] / [total length, m].
Using the calculator "Calculate Beam Deflection Online" will significantly reduce the time and serve as a guarantee of reliable engineering structures.
The calculator is developed exclusively according to the Sopromat formulas and reference data for each type of material and beam section. The calculation of the deflection of the section is theoretical, therefore, the practical values may differ from the calculated ones and depend on many conditions.
However, the values obtained in this calculator will be incredibly useful and will serve as the basis for calculating the required design.
You can also calculate the CNC shaft for deflection using this calculator. Therefore, you will know the preliminary strength indicators before assembling the CNC machine.
For quick access to the calculations of the required profile, add the calculator to your favorites (CTRL + D on a PC or the star icon at the top right of the browser)
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